Introducing ParenTeen Connect: A New Resource for Parents and Teens | By: Committee for Children Parents of young children have an abundance of resources available to them, including books, websites, and support groups. Come the teen years, though, finding those same resources can be more challenging. As a parent of a teen, you may feel like you’re failing while all the other parents have got it handled—which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Needless to say, being a teen—or raising one—can be a wild ride. That’s why we’ve created, a website designed especially for teens and their caregivers, where they can hear from real families, get expert advice, and learn about practical tools to help them connect and communicate with each other. ParenTeen Connect seeks to normalize the challenges that come with raising teens through interviews with real families, who show you that you’re not the only ones struggling. It also provides research-based, expert advice on real-life issues through a partnership with renowned parenting expert Dr. Laura Kastner. It’s no secret that raising teens can be a struggle ParenTeen Connect—which works alongside the Second Step Middle School Program, our social-emotional learning curriculum—is a great resource that can be used in the classroom and at home. On each topic page, in addition to Real Voices interviews with parents and teens, you’ll find downloadable worksheets to help you and your teen create plans to prepare for difficult situations. Topics include: Screen Time Independence Responsibility Communication You’ll also find Expert Advice videos on these topics from Dr. Laura Kastner, clinical psychologist and clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, plus other helpful resources for parents, teens, and families on topics such as: Dating and Sexuality Eating and Weight Management Emotions and Emotion Management Bullying Prevention Health and Wellness ParenTeen Connect is a place where parents and teens can communicate, connect, and break through on tough topics. Go to to find the tools you need to make adolescence less of a struggle and a lot more fun.